Black light: Paradox of mystical beauty

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Corresponding Author, Assistant Prof. of Qom University

2 M.A Student at Qom University


Paradox of "black light" in mystical texts such as Ahmad
Qazzali and Einolquzats’ works is used for the essence of the
Supreme Being or invisible Omnipresent God, the brightest
lights. In addition, it refers to perfect man and mystic who, as a
molten iron, has lost the traits of darkness and coldness in the
vicinity of the fire and become soft and hot. He has been divine
but not God; even though he is not same as ordinary human. He
has become "divine human". He is same as the midnight sun
that shines in material world and guides others. He is the one
who, with asceticism and struggle, turns all the colors to mono
color in the unity; so he has reached a black color, the nature
