The school of Tafkik rejects reason and philosophical arguments to understand religious propositions and religious beliefs. They hold that the philosophical approach to understand religion is inconsistent to revealed religion. Thus, the only true way to understand religion is revealed one. The purpose of this paper is to examine the approach of the school of Tafkik and its arguments. In this article, we study critically this approach. It shows that their arguments not only are not strong enough but it also is faced with outstanding problems. It shows that in spite of the restriction of reason in understanding religion, philosophical attitude is not inconsistent with religious beliefs. Of course, the extreme rationalistic approach to understand religion is not defendable too. So, the philosophical understanding is epistemologically valid.
Yazdani, A. and karimi laski, M. (2013). A Critical Analysis of the Tafkik’s Perspective on Philosophical Approach to Religion. Religions and Mysticism, 46(1), 111-130. doi: 10.22059/jrm.2013.50179
Yazdani, A. , and karimi laski, M. . "A Critical Analysis of the Tafkik’s Perspective on Philosophical Approach to Religion", Religions and Mysticism, 46, 1, 2013, 111-130. doi: 10.22059/jrm.2013.50179
Yazdani, A., karimi laski, M. (2013). 'A Critical Analysis of the Tafkik’s Perspective on Philosophical Approach to Religion', Religions and Mysticism, 46(1), pp. 111-130. doi: 10.22059/jrm.2013.50179
A. Yazdani and M. karimi laski, "A Critical Analysis of the Tafkik’s Perspective on Philosophical Approach to Religion," Religions and Mysticism, 46 1 (2013): 111-130, doi: 10.22059/jrm.2013.50179
Yazdani, A., karimi laski, M. A Critical Analysis of the Tafkik’s Perspective on Philosophical Approach to Religion. Religions and Mysticism, 2013; 46(1): 111-130. doi: 10.22059/jrm.2013.50179