Religious Ideas in Hegel's Philosophy

Document Type : Research Paper


1 M.A of Philosophy of Religion, Tehran University

2 PhD of Philosophy, Tehran University


Hegel has an overview regarding religion and its process. By passing the art, religion and philosophy, this process goes from the lowest to the highest part. This article is going to clarify the difference between the Hegel's treatment of religion in various periods of his thought. It also considers the historical phenomenology of religion in Hegel's philosophy. In this regard in which religion consists of the two states of Art and Philosophy we can assume that the idea of religion is totally different from the other concepts which named in Hegel's philosophy. To add more, we ought to say that Trinity itself had the most powerful influence on Hegel's thought and his philosophy. Despite the fact that this aspect of philosophy of Hegel has been overlooked by many philosophers, but the uniqueness of role of religion in his thought has been followed and developed over the centuries.
