Rationality and Spirituality: bases and goals

Document Type : Research Paper



Rationality and Spirituality is a theory follows the spiritualism in west, to fill the spiritual gap made by modernism. The goal of this theory is reduction of human’s pain by collecting between Rationality and Spirituality, which is engendered by modernism and religion. As modernism based on reason, rationality is fundamental in this theory. Spiritualty is application of rationality or is personal religion, which arise from reducing the historical religion. Take modernism as a primary concern and the minimalistic look to religion, at opposition to modernism, weakens this theory and makes it ambiguous in many aspects. The audience of the theory and its purpose is unclear and how it achieve to its goal is ambiguous. Some of these ambiguities are caused by lack of coherence in the theory and lack of citing all of its appliances and bases. Ambiguity in the quantity and quality of reduction of religion and the lack of clarity of the foundations of this theory has weakened it. This article wants, through studying, to make this theory more clear and evolve it.


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