Buddha in the works of contemporary French researchers

Document Type : Research Paper


Professor of Religions & Mysticism at the university of Sistan and Baluchestan, Zahedan


In the 19th century, the first monograph on the legend of the Buddha is published by Senart. In this context, Biography of Shakyamony became a symbol and myth. Many French Indiologists studied and analyzed the spiritual and legendary life of Buddha by referring to Buddhist scriptures of Pali Canon and Sanskrit. But, they faced with ambiguous character of Buddha, because of his historical and mysterious character. Who is Buddha? Why his complex character has occupied the mind of many scholars? French researchers have expressed four different views about Buddha. First group knew him materialist, according to his notice to perceptible phenomena. The second group emphasized on his legendary life. Third group has denied his legendary character and affirmed rationalist approach to his life, and the fourth group has pragmatic looking to his figure.


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