Analysis and study of Process theology's solution in departure from conflict between science and religion (with emphasis on Griffin's thoughts)

Document Type : Research Paper


Department of Religions and Mysticism,Faculty of Humanities,Semnan University


This paper attempts to show that Process theology's solution for departure from conflict between science and religion, which is minimal naturalism and based on panentheism, theory of apprehension and panexperientialism, suffers from some problems. They are complexity of the relation between God and the world, having the same level of science and religion, denial of supernaturalism, minimization of God's function in the nature, etc. Such problems indicate that the acceptance of such a solution is particularly suspected by followers of monotheistic religions. Now, can we find a model in which minimal naturalism (with emphasis on nature as process and evolution) is reconciled with moderate supernaturalism (with emphasis on God's comprehensive presence in the world)? Such model can fulfill both the concern of scientific community and religious community. This paper shows that we can attain such a model in Mulla Sara's transcendent theosophy which is based on his cosmological, theological and epistemological framework.


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