Critical study of the models of environmental Theology in the new Christianity

Document Type : Research Paper


1 PhD Student of Religions and Mysticism, Imam Khomeini Research and Eductional Institute

2 Assistant Professor of Religions, Imam Khomeini Research and Eductional Institute.


Environmental theology is an interdisciplinary knowledge that attempts to present epistemological and fundamental solutions to environmental crisis, using religious texts. This paper wants, with the study of Christian Ecological Theology, to study the various models about the God’s relation with nature. Evangelical Movements emphasize on this point that with the careful observation of the Bible, we can find that Christian theology can be introduced not as a means of degrading the environment, but of protecting it. Revising the doctrine of creativity and forgiving the nature from inherent evil, as well as the attention to the doctrine of the kingdom and the ultimate good of the world, are considered to be the most important Christian models of ecological theology, which are based on the basic teachings of this religion.


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