Comparative Study of degrees of spirits in the viewpoint of Nasafi and Najm al-Din Razi

Document Type : Research Paper


Assistant professor of Persian language and literature, University of Isfahan


This paper attempts to study the degrees of spirits in the viewpoint of Nasafi and Najm al-Din Razi. Nasafi and Najm al-Din Razi. The results of the study show that although both of this mystics wre influenced by the view of philosophers, but had some innovations about it. There is common ground in their views. Regardless of formal similarities, there are also similarities in terms of content between their views, including: 1. The degrees of spirits are conferred and there is no change in them; 2. The perfection of man is in the attachment of the spirit to the body, because the body is the place of dimness and darkness, and the background of seeking the perfection; 3- By planning the degrees of spirits, both mystics explain the arc of descent in the universe. Paying attention to the steady flow and return to the origin also, they depicts the arc of ascension in the circle of the universe. These similarities can be considered as a reason for the Nasafi's influence of Najmuddin Razi.


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