Salvation and the Path to it in the Commentary of Kashf Al-Asrār Wa ʿUddat Al-Abrār by Abu’l-Faḍl Rashīd Al-Dīn Maybudī

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor of the Department of Religions and Mysticism, Azarbaijan Shahid Madani University

2 Associate Professor of the Department of Religions and Mysticism, University of Tehran


Salvation is one of the most fundamental issues in the Abrahamic religions of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. In these religions, God put Adam into paradise or the Garden of Eden. Adam disobeyed God's command commandment through the Devil; Consequently, he was expelled of it. In fact, all human beings descended. Hence, human being needs to be saved and return to paradise. In Islam, God has revealed the Qur'an to save all humanity. In the Holy Qur'an, the salvation of the prophets and believers is mentioned. Given the importance of salvation in the Holy Qur'an, it is obvious that it should be considered in the Quranic commentary. One of the interpretations that have examined this issue in detail and in terms of interpretation and mysticism is the interpretation of Kashf Al-Asrār Wa ʿUddat Al-Abrār (“The Unveiling of the Mysteries and the Provision of the Pious”) by Abu’l-Faḍl Rashīd Al-Dīn Maybudī. This article, written by descriptive and analytical method, explains the role of God in eternal bliss and eternal affliction‚ the relationship of obedience and sin with happiness and cruelty, the role of prophets in happiness and cruelty, and ... in this commentary. In Maybudi’s view, although God has determined the sayings and the deeds of his servants in the eternity, and creates them in the servants at the time of acting‚ the servants acquire them. Meybudi considers the same acquisition as the cause of being rewarded and punished. He also considers reward and punishment as relating to the decrees of obligation and not to the decrees of determination. In Meybudi’s view, they are based on commandment and prohibition and not on divine grace and abandonment; because determination is principle and deed is branch‚ and reward and punishment relate to the decrees of the branches and not to the decrees of the principles.


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