The Experience of Beauty or Love as a Religious Experience in Plato

Document Type : Research Paper


1 assistant professor of the philosophy of religion, the University of Tehran

2 Graduate student of the philosophy of religion, the University of Tehran


The central issue of this article is whether one can consider the experience of Beauty or love in Plato as a religious experience. First, it describes different views on the religious experience. Then it deals with Plato's view on beauty and love and their relationship. Finally, by proving the divinity of Beauty in Plato, the article shows that if religious experience is the encounter of the experiencer with the Divine being, God, who manifests itself in various forms, and that encounter is accompanied by a direct conscious of the divine being, then the experience of Beauty or love in Plato can be considered as a kind of religious experience. However, the claim of this article is merely that the experience of beauty or love is one of the examples of religious experience and does not imply a specific epistemological view of religious experience. But the adoption of any epistemological view of religious experience logically involves an experience of beauty or love.


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