The "Covenant" in the Quran and the New Testament

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Master of Comparative Religions and Mysticism, Faculty of Theology and Islamic Studies, University of Sistan and Baluchestan

2 Assistant Professor, the Department of Comparative Religions and Mysticism, Faculty of Theology and Islamic Studies, University of Sistan and Baluchestan


One of the basic concepts of Christianity and Islam is the "Covenant". The significance and position of this concept in these religions raises these questions: what is the doctrine of the Covenant and what kind of relationship between God and Man is in these two religions. In response to this question, the hypothesis evaluated in a comparative and analytical research is that in both of them the Covenant means the interrelationships between God and Man and the main meaning of it is that God gives life to man and wants to obey Him purely. There are various types of covenant in Christianity, but in Islam there is only one type. This study concludes that the meaning of the Covenant in Christianity is Jesus Christ himself, but in Islam, more attention is paid to human being and the Prophet is only the reminder.


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