Ibn Barrajan approach and method in describing divine names

Document Type : Research Paper


Assistant Professor of Religions and Mysticism, University of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran


One of the Muslim thinkers who has described the divine names is Ibn Barrajan, the mystic and commentator of Andalusia. The purpose of this article is to examine Ibn Barrajan approach and method in the book of explanation of beautiful names of God in a descriptive-analytical method. The findings show that Ibn Barrajan approach in describing divine names is mystical. From his point of view, collecting (Ihsa’) the divine names consist of seven stages, namely: lexical examination, conceptual explanation, recognition of the relation of each name to the superior attributes, compilation of the divine names, recognition of the obedience of each name, practice to the knowledge of the names, and finally attaining to the intuitive knowledge of divine names. He believes that the way to attain to this stage is to gain a rational knowledge of divine names, to obey God's commands, and to reflect on the works of the divine names in the world. He presents his findings on each noun in three sections: lexical analysis, validity, and obedience. He is also interested in theological and ethical issues.


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