Kawān (the Manichaean Book of Giants)

Document Type : Research Paper


Associate Professor, the Departement of Ancient Iranian languages, Bu Ali Sina University,


Mani composed a cycle of narratives, which entitled Kaw n in Middle Persian and Parthian. The Coptic texts call it Tgrphe nngigas. This title bears in Arabic: Sifr al-jababira. Ibn al-Nadim, Biruni, Ya ͨ qhubi, Šahrist ni and the other Islamic scholars and Authors have cited their valuable knowledge about Mani and his religion in their books. It was many years before that the western scientists have any authentic information about this silent religion. Ibn al-Nadim has written in his book Al-Fihrist too exactly and without criticizing, very important information about Manichaean Religions, which is unequalled in ancient world. Whatever he said is after finding Manichaean Fragments in Turfan confirmed.  In the chapter about “Manichaean Religion” in Al-Fihrist comes the list of Mani’s Books, one of them is kawān (sifr al-jab bere). He says about this book: “The book sif-al-jab bere includes …” In all manuscripts comes a lack in this phrase. In this paper, Ibn al-Nadim’s information about Kaw n with the Manichaean Fragments of Turfan collection (the Middle Persian, Parthian and Soghdian texts) and quotations from Coptic and the other Islamic texts have been compared, to find the main structure of this book.


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