The Explanation of Miracle and Prayer through the framework of Copenhagen and Bohemian interpretations of the Quantum Theory

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor of Department of Physics, Urmia University

2 Associate Professor of Philosophy of Religion, University of Tehran


Assuming the possibility of a miracle occurring, the answer to prayer, and the extraordinary actions of another habit, the fundamental question arises as to how such events can be explained naturally. How does God fulfil His special acts, such as answer to prayers and miracles in nature? Various responses from philosophers, theologians and scholars of the empirical sciences have been given to the above questions. The purpose of this study is to explain the way in which God's action is in the natural world using quantum theory. The contention of this study is that the influence of God in the world can be explained in the framework of Copenhagen and Bohemian interpretation of the quantum theory. In this way, within the framework of Copenhagen's interpretation and by accepting the role of consciousness as the interpreter of wave functions, God's action in nature is done through non-thematic quantum consciousness and can change them in the desired direction. Also, in the context of Bohemian interpretation, God creates the desired change at the quantum level and then at the macroscopic level of nature by controlling the hidden variables that are sub-quantum level variables and by changing the arrangement of these variables at the hidden order level. The most important result of this research is that both the Copenhagen and Bohemian interpretations, which are the most common interpretations of quantum mechanics, can provide a convincing explanation of how God affects nature in certain actions such as miracles and prayers.


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