Religious and political function of the goddess Anahita in the Sassanid era Based on Middle Persian writings

Document Type : Research Paper


Assistant Professor in Ancient Iranian Languages, (Corresponding Author), Velayat University, Iranshahr;


Many researches have been done about Anahita, the ancient Iranian goddess, most of which are based on archeological findings, and less research has been done on the manifestation of this goddess in Middle Persian writings. The aim of this study is to focus on the roles of Anāhitā according to Middle Persian writings. In this research, by descriptive-analytical method, the existing evidence about Anahita in Middle Persian works was examined. The findings showed that Anahita, as the celestial and terrestrial embodiment of water in the Zoroastrian worldview, was superior and very important to the gods. In addition to the description of her beauty and power, her role in the life of Zoroaster and the birth of three saviors (Ošidar, Ošidarmāh and Sōšyāns) is emphasized. The inscriptions also show the role of Anahita in the political affairs of the Sassanid period, such as the selection of Cartier as the guardian and priest of Anahita's temples.


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