Invisible and Magical Impact of Names and Words in Judaism

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate Professor, the Department of Religions & Philosophy, University of Kashan

2 M. A., the Department of Religions & Philosophy, University of Kashan;


Magical thinking, along with animism, has been a pervasive thought among all early societies, and humans have probably been acquainted with magic since the dawn of history. Early man thought letters were part of his identity and existence and always tried to hide them. Indeed, as Frazer says, the early man believed in substantial connection between himself and his name. This article, have dealt with the concrete, unseen & Divine impact of some words, not equations and concepts of them, in 39 books of the Old Testament, which reflect the traditions and beliefs of the Hebrew tribes in parentheses period of 1200 years BC. According to many verses of Bible, the “Word”, play an essential role on creation, destruction and permanence of Existence. In Judaism, the word of “Jehovah” is a distinctive being by which God had created the world. Pronouncing the name of the Jehovah is taboo & forbidden. Jehovah Himself created everything after “saying” whatever He had wanted. God commands by His Word. Man could influence God’s Will by exact pronunciation of some Hebrew word & other special circumstances.


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