Comparison of silence, hesuchia and prayer of heart between Hesychasm and Sufism

Document Type : Research Paper


Assistant Professor, the Department of Religions and Mysticism, Zanjan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Zanjan, Iran;


In Sufism and the path of hesychasm, the goal is to reach the presence of God in the inner heart and inner silence and peace with the remembrance of the heart. In both ways, the remembrance enters from the verbal and oral the remembrance to the remembrance of the heart. In the school of hesuchia, when the prayer prays indeed the Christ and Holy Ghost pray in him/her and the prayer’s aim is gaining Hesuchia. Hesuchia contains linguistic and inner silence and is mentioned in the remembrance of Christ and the Holy Spirit. In Sufism, too, there is talk of silence and silence of language and heart. Most mystics consider the silence of the heart to be more important than the apparent silence in which the non-verbal remembrance is engaged throughout its existence. In this article, it is concluded that despite the similarities between the two methods of heartfelt remembrance and silence, in Christianity, because of the Trinity, the emphasis is on the remembrance of Jesus


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