Study of the Confrontation of Feminism and Existentialism; De-mythologizing the image of women in the Bible and constructing a new image of women in modern Western societies

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Phd student of the Department of Law and Theology, Najafabad branch, Islamic Azad university, Najafabad, Iran

2 Faculty member of the Department of Law and Theology, Najafabad branch, Islamic Azad university, Najafabad, Iran


relying on the theoretical approach of the two theoretical frameworks of feminism and existentialism in the field of political philosophy, this article intends to suggest aspects of the transition from traditional to modern society in Western Europe on a new reading of the position of women in Christianity (emphasis on the Old Testament and the New Testament) and explore the process of demythologizing and de-enchanting - which is characteristic of the Enlightenment - of women in the Modern West. In this field, first the feminist view of people like Simone de Beauvoir has been studied and then Schleiermacher's phenomenological view as well as Bultmann's existential and liberal view has been studied. In the final point, it can be seen that the feminist movement, in line with the Enlightenment, has disenchanted the traditional concept of woman, while the late Western existentialist philosophers have revisited this demythologizing reading with a phenomenological and empathetic view of the traditional view of woman.


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