The role of wisdom in mediating grace (A Comparative Study of Jewish Mysticism and Islamic Mysticism)

Document Type : Research Paper


Assistant Professor, Department of Religions and Mysticism, Ahl al-Bayt International University


According to Jewish mysticism and Islamic mysticism, God Almighty has placed a mediator between himself and his creatures, who have common names in the sacred texts of both religions. One of them is "Wisdom". In this article, based on the comparative method, the concept of "wisdom" in Jewish mysticism and Islam is analyzed. The most important innovation of this research is to prove the hypothesis that although in Judaism "hesed" and love are the life-giving principles and in Islamic mysticism the movement of love has the same role, but in both mysticisms, before the divine love that has manifested manifestations. Wisdom has played a role. Therefore, the theological doubt that if God is always loving and at the same time capable, then he should have creation from eternity, is answered in Qabalah mysticism and Islamic mysticism in such a way that God, prior to intrinsic love, is wise and is His wisdom. Which pours out his love.


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