Analysis of the concepts of "self" and "other": based on the mystical principles of Ibn Arabi

Document Type : Research Paper


Assistant Professor, the Department of Islamic Mysticism, Research Institute of Imam Khomeini and Islamic Revolution


Some scholars believe that mystical monism, by denying human distinctions, leaves no room for the formation of the concepts of "self" and "other" and the "I-you" relationship, which is essential for moral thinking. Therefore, the subject of this article is how to develop the concepts of "self" and "The Other" based on the ontology of Ibn Arabi's unity of existence  and tried to show by the analytical method based on the mystical principles of "unity in plurality", "Names manifestation", "multiplicity of directions" and the principle of "No repetition in theophany" that in Ibn Arabi's theory of unity of existence, human distinctions are not eliminated and we can speak of a relationship based on "I-you" under the concepts of "self" and "other", which thus provides the condition for the possibility of morality. The monistic mystic also sees both the "self" before the "other" and finds the "other" within himself without reducing the other to himself and questioning his originality and otherness. At the same time, it is argued that the belief to the fundamental unity of human beings not only does not make morality impossible, but is one of its essential conditions.


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