A reflection on the occasions of conduct in Ibn- Sina's treatise Al-Tair

Document Type : Review Article


1 Associate Professor, Department of Philosophy and Theology, University of Isfahan

2 PhD Graduated of Transcendent Philosophy University of Isfahan.


Ibn Sina is one of the rare philosophers who, based on the knowledge of the soul, has revealed the secret of his personal experience in the form of three allegorical treatises. Ibn Sina's treatise Al-Tair is one of his mystical treatises which depicts the mystical states of man and the way of man towards the truth in the form of a beautiful allegory. In this treatise, the seeker is likened to a bird who, by freeing himself from the attachments of this world and with the help of the elder and guide of the path, achieves his true desire. In this article, we intend to explain some of Ibn Sina's mystical views in the process of the mystic's mystical journey to reach the highest level of truth. This article, after outlining the generalities and a brief description of the original story, will provide interpretation and analysis of the story and will express the views and main mystical elements of Ibn Sina.


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