Study and critique of the relationship between attributes and the divine essence from Seyed Haidar Amoli,s point of view

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Philosophy & theology Ph.D student, Teacher training Shahid Rajaii university, Iran, Tehran.

2 Supervisor, Professor, , Department of Philosophy and Theology, Teacher training Shahid Rajaii university; , Iran, Tehran.

3 Assistant. Professor, Department of Philosophy and Theology, Teacher training Shahid Rajaii university; , Iran, Tehran


Discovering the relationship between essence and divine names and attributes has always been one of the great concerns of theologians. The present study follows this concern, based on the main question "How to explain the relationship between essence and divine attributes in the intellectual system of Seyyed Haidar Amoli?" The present paper, first collected and coded the related materials and then arranged them in a logical order to achieve the results. the results are as follow: Seyyed Haidar Amoli introduces the divine names and attributes as a channel for the orderly emergence of the divine essence, however, considering the inseparability of the names and attributes. it seems that these two are at the same time; In the intellectual system of Seyyed Haidar Amoli, names/Asma/ has been introduced as the same essence, but his reasons for objectivity have been distorted, and in the end, his performance in proving this claim has not been considered successful; By reconstructing the argument for otherness from the words of Seyyed Haidar Amoli, in some positions he has been evaluated as inclined to the theory of otherness; The way out of this internal contradiction will be to find a collective face between objectivity and zeal; It seems that the sum of objectivity and otherness is the theory of "names and attributes, the manifestation of essence", because with a validity of manifestation other than essence and degradation of essence from authority.


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