Study of Ibn Barrajan’s View on “Abd-e Kulli”

Document Type : Research Paper


Assistant Professor of Religions and Mysticism, Department of Islamic Studies, University of Isfahan


One of the important issues in philosophy and mysticism is the quality of the issuance of plurals from the unit and the issue of the first creature. Ibn Barrajan (d. 536 AH), an Andalusian mystic, had dealt with this issue and had used the term Abd-e Kulli. The purpose of this paper is to study the term Abd-e Kulli from Ibn Barrajan's point of view. Its findings indicate that according to Ibn Barrajan, Abd-e Kulli is the first creature of God and the mediator of the creation, which was created in the image of God. Abd-e Kulli is a comprehensive and unified being that includes all creatures. Abd-e Kulli was created from nothing. According to Ibn Barrajan, the Qur'anic phrase "the whole thing" refers to Abd-e Kulli. Ibn Barrajan uses the allegories of the man in worshiping, Adam (AS) -Abd-e Juz'i- and the ship in explaining Abd-e Kulli. Although the phrase "Abd-e Kulli" has no significant use in mystical works, it seems that he was influenced by the Brethren of Purity in this matter and influenced Ibn Arabi.


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