The semantic network of the approximation of Abrahamic religions (Judaism, Christianity and Islam) in Quran

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor of Islamic history, Department of History, Faculty of Literature, Alzahra University, Tehran, Iran

2 M.A Student in the industrial engineering, Faculty of engineering, Alzahra University, Tehran, Iran


Abrahamic religions that were revealed to humanity throughout history. Despite emanating from the same origin and having many commonalities in principles and goals, these religions have always been faced with problems such as disagreements, disunion, conflict, bloodshed, and disrespect for each other in the name of God and religion. The separation and polarization caused by this confrontation between Abrahamic religions, especially Christianity and Islam, caused the emergence of terms such as the Christian world and the Islamic world. While the Qur'an, as the last divine book, has paid attention to the approximation and convergence of Abrahamic religions. It is important that we answer this question, what are the elements and components of the approximation of Abrahamic religions from the point of view of the Qur'an. And how it creates a semantic network of approximation in the semantic connection. What is the purpose and output of the approximation semantic network?  It seems that the elements and components of the approximation of Abrahamic religions in the Qur'an are mostly based on the essence and existential value of human beings, which has caused the creation of many common propositions between Abrahamic religions. The meaning load that each of these elements and components carry in the Qur'an, when they are in a meaningful relationship with each other, they create a semantic network of approximation. Which not only affects the individual growth of man, but also the progress and growth, Human society is also emphasized. Therefore, if the correct interpretation and reading of the elements and components of Abrahamic religions in the Qur'an, away from political and religious presuppositions, can lead these societies towards convergence and growth and avoid confrontation and conflict.


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