The other as a standard of morals in Saadi's works

Document Type : Research Paper


Assistant professor of Persian Language and Literature Department, Golestan University


The golden rule is based on self-other duality. Saadi has explicitly mentioned this rule in one of his pieces with a negative expression. Assuming Saadi's attention to the golden rule, the question is, what is the reason for paying attention to the other in Saadi's thought? And how has this rule been reflected in his narratives and wisdom with regard to the five areas of human existence, namely beliefs, feelings, desires, speech and actions? The answers to these questions have been done with a descriptive-analytical method. The results of this article show that Saadi's attention to another of the three sources of attention to the divine, selfishness, and the importance of social justice. Saadi has presented the golden rule in the form of wisdom, parables and the words of the characters in the story, as a concrete thing and as a lived experience, and as a result, the possibility of identification and its emotional impact has increased; It means thinking of oneself as someone else and wanting what is desirable for someone else.


Main Subjects

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