The bodily aspect of man in the mysticism of Ibn Arabi

Document Type : Research Paper


1 A graduate of Isfahan University's doctoral course in transcendental wisdom,

2 Professor of Philosophy and Theology Department of Isfahan University,


Although in the mysticism of Ibn Arabi, the aspect of super-sensible world of man has of special importance, and most of the mystics explain this aspect of man, but in the works of Ibn Arabi, the importance and role of the bodily aspect of man is also significant. About the importance of the bodily aspect of man in theoretical mysticism, this question appears in the mind: Does the physical dimension of man as an important reality have an effect on the surrounding realities from Ibn Arabi's point of view? And basically, is there a relationship between this dimension and the surrounding realities? This article, which is written based on the library and content analysis method, seeks to answer these types of questions, and finally it is concluded that the bodily  aspect of man, based on the important principles of Ibn Arabi's theoretical mysticism, plays an important role in the world of existence; such as, the realization of the best design, the perfection of the world, the perfection of the hereafter, giving distinction by divine light in the world, the appearance of actions and creatures, the manifestation of the face of the Allah the Exalted, the adaptation of the microcosm to the macrocosm, the goal and destination of nature, the most complete manifestation and hiding the truth of the Allah the Most High for surviving the world. This article shows that the role and function of the human bodily aspect has wide aspects that include all levels of existence.


Main Subjects

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