The Acts of the Apostles, A Historical-Analytical Research

Document Type : Research Paper


PhD, Department of Religion and Mysticism, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran; Contributer and member of the Religions Department, The Great Islamic Encyclopedia, Tehran, Iran.


Among the New Testament canon, The Acts of the Apostles stands out in terms of its special importance. These significant points can be examined and analyzed in respect of the first-hand information, both geographically and theologically, that presents about the establishment and expansion of the early Christian church, along with the reports on the evangelical missions of the apostles, especially St. Paul the apostle, validity of his apostolic claims, and his ceaseless efforts in critical circumstances at the Christianity era due to defending Christ's message against Jewish and Gentile opponents. In this regard, the Acts serves as the link between “Gospels” and “Pauline Epistles” in the first century. In addition, the doubts raised on its author (Luke), the trustworthiness and style of his text, a consensus on being the same author of the Gospel of Luke and the Acts, also, their thematic sequence/coherence, which puts two volumes under the name of “Luke-Acts” as a “Source-book”, has been discussed. Accordingly, in this article, the historical character, theological emphasis, and apologetic interests as the thematic features of the Acts producing parallels to the context of Hellenistic culture have been reviewed.


Main Subjects

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  2. تنی، مریل سی.؛ معرفی عهد جدید؛ ترجمۀ ط. میکائیلیان؛ تهران؛ انتشارات حیات ابدی؛ 1363.
  3. کتاب مقدس؛ انجمن پخش کتب مقدسه؛ 1975م.
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  14. Harnack, Adolf, The Acts of The Apostles, New York, G. P. Putnam’s Sons, 1909.
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  22. Sanday, W., Bible, Encyclopaedia of Religion and Ethics, James Hastings (ed.), vol. 2, England, T.&T. Clark Ltd., 1980.
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